Saturday, 9 August 2014

Day 40 Thursday 7th August Kanug about 170 miles north of Irkutsk Russia

The day started with a cup of tea and fried tomato sandwiches. We then packed (now an extremely efficient and soundless process) and headed north.
After an hour we stopped at a cafe and had coffee and food (Dave the "rule breaker" again opting for a high risk unknown food, which in the end turned out to be a mini pork roll, and the best option).

We then travelled another 100 miles along tarmac but with huge undulations that bounce you out of your seat when taken at speed.

At one point we all had to slow down to let a group of horses cross the road.

All bikes working well after the servicing last night, however Dave's bike still has poor petrol consumption compared to the other three, and we need to find out what has caused this. It could just be that Dave has decided to store his spare socks inside his air box and hasn't bothered to tell anyone!!

Still managing to get phone coverage even though we are now clearly getting into very remote areas. Some of the villages that you pass through look to be back in the Stone Age.

The weather is cooler now and everyone changed their riding gear and gloves at the breakfast stop cafe.

Decided to camp early as we spotted a beautiful place by the side of a large river.

Dave was convinced this would be his chance to catch fish for our supper. We are still waiting, and have started on plan B which involves cans of beef and tins of peas!

Late in the evening some people came to visit

They invited us over for "chai" and we took some photos of their preparations for an evening meal. They were from Irkutsk and were camping. They also had a small puppy with them.

The men sat about talking as the women prepared a lovely collection of food. They had big brass wood burning boilers that they used to make the tea. The women used an axe to strip the bark off a log to feed into the wood burning stoves.

The whole family sitting down to eat.

More later

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad,

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