Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Day 4 Wednesday July 2nd. Mileage. 974 miles

Weather good for most of the day with just a short time raining. Thunderstorms rumbled around us and we had an hour or so rain but all in all, a good day. Traffic was fairly heavy with legions of wagons but as the day progressed, we made good progress. Happy birthday to my son Chris!!

At one point we all stopped at a level crossing waiting for a train, and Geoff tried to walk his bike a short distance and slipped and inevitably lost the balance of the bike and ended up gently laying the bike down.

Fortunately Dave helped him pick it up before Frank could get his camera out and take a photo.

This is the place where it happened though.

Later we checked into this very pleasant hotel. There won't be much more of this because when we get into the sticks it will definitely be camping!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Wyszkow Northern Poland

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